Caroline House values every volunteer that assists in any way possible. Even a one-time assist can help educate a woman and help a family towards self sufficiency. When you think about volunteering, consider one of the following areas:
Office Support
Answering phones
Data entry (Excel, Apricot database)
Teaching Assistants for Classrooms at Caroline House
One on One Tutoring (for children and/or women)
Assist in Development Projects
Assists with mailing for fundraisers
Organize community opportunities to spread information about Caroline House
Host a Caroline House information session in your home for your friends to learn about Caroline House
Host a business breakfast for local business owners at Caroline House
Oversee daily/weekly computer practice
Copywriter and/or graphic design assistance for print and web content
Social Media support
Handy-person work
Outside maintenance
Volunteering in the preschool
Organize a school supply or diaper drive
All volunteers are expected to respect the privacy and confidentiality of every student.
All volunteers are required to comply with a background check and attend Virtus Training.